The boy with the broken halo.

the shoes are a pair of vintage docs i bought for only 400kr at La Scarpetta.
The camera was a present from a friend in Hamburg, I love it like crazy even though
you can't buy film for it anymore. lushlushlushlush.
I am yours now So now I don't ever have to leave I've been found out. So now I'll never explore. See what I've done

space? it's my freaking window.

have escaped my house to get some quiet time with my schoolbooks. don't miss me too much, made some posts for you.
the pics can be a bit too crazy for some computer, to bad for you,
i care this little. puss
Tove är i hamburg.
Josefin är hemma.
Tove har inget internet.
Josefin har varit upptagen.
Lite lagom kaos sådär, därav dålig uppdatering..
Men jag försöker! Allt blir som vanligt nästa vecka
how would you like your eggs in the morning?



Nu ska jag göra frukost till sebastian, vi hörs senare
Nu ska jag göra frukost till sebastian, vi hörs senare
watch my back so i make sure you're right behind me as before

nothing to say, no.
the smell of a new car.
Just gonna drop the bomb.


Did you know? I we have kept a secret from you..
We are two running this blog.The girl on the top picture is one of my best friends and we both run this blog.
The blog was hers from the start but then I sort of got invited to join her. Tove hasn't really wanted to be seen on here until now, but we want all of you to know that she's here and does a lot more for the blog than me!
Tove does all the inspiration posts and fixes with the layout, I do all the personal posts.
Nothings going to change with the updates/way we blog, but now you know we're two here.
/ Josefin & Tove
I think you've got the wrong cigarettes..?




i love my grandma to pieces.
just like that she gives me a gorgoeus lamp and loads
of piano books. the fact that I don't play piano or have a room to hang
the lamp in (yet!) doesn't matter! I'm still freaking happy. tihihi.


Lite trött bara..
Fun fun shopping fun, tihihi.







1 & 2; josefin entering fyndkällaren , 3; epic store or whhaat?! , 4 & 5; awesome carpet and my shoes ,
6 & 7; josefin wearing a denim coat she bought and the denim coat i bought , 8 & 9; a sexy velvet dress josefin tried on but did not buy , 10 & 11; then we went to Humana on out bikes and found a gorgeous red lace body ,
12 & 13; some awesome shoes and josefins face looking... cute..?
dude i almost hit a unicorn.

godnatt kära läsare, nu ska lilla trötta mörbultade jag sova.
sverige vann och det gjorde mig en aning glad o mysig så nu hoppas
jag på fina mardrömmar om enhörningar och katter.

josefin har försvunnit, rymt, flugit sin kos.jag vet ej vart hon är men jag vet att hon behövs,
för utan henne blir denna bloggen ett hav av färgglada sjuka bilder. Vi måste få lite ordning på detta,
så nu ska jag bege mig ut och leta rätt på denna flykting. vi synes och höres när jag funnit henne...



early morning esplanaden no.2

1. cookie and a vanilla latte 2. a far too "sweet" message 3. me and Tove 3. me drinking my latte 4. man holding a speech
5. standing waiting 6. sitting waiting 7. what it looked like inside.
we were at the opening of a seconhand stores new building with only clothes (before they only had a little clothes,
and more books, furniture etc..). except having to wait for a long time and the chaos inside it was amazing.
I'll definitely go there loads of times.
early morning esplanaden no.1

1. the fog was thick as hell at 7.30.. 2. sunrise at a quiet street. 3. already busy at esplanaden.
4. a epic coat with frays that Tove bought. 5, 6 & 7. fur coats, none that I liked enough to buy...
here are some of the gazillion pics me and Tove took at out trip to espalanden yesterday.
more coming later today. tihih.