Just gonna drop the bomb.
2011-10-26 - 18:43:24


Did you know? I we have kept a secret from you..
We are two running this blog.The girl on the top picture is one of my best friends and we both run this blog.
The blog was hers from the start but then I sort of got invited to join her. Tove hasn't really wanted to be seen on here until now, but we want all of you to know that she's here and does a lot more for the blog than me!
Tove does all the inspiration posts and fixes with the layout, I do all the personal posts.
Nothings going to change with the updates/way we blog, but now you know we're two here.
/ Josefin & Tove
Posted by: helene
ni är bra ni!
Posted by: -
Posted by: Malva
Kalla in pressarna! släpp in farmor! lägg besticken i lådan! tvååååååååååååååååå, magad!
Posted by: Ida
Oh scheisse! Hade aldrig kunnat ana det, nice!