three photos from my black & white folder. love love love.
and the music don't feel like it did.
jag kände att min blogg behövde lite mer färgglatt hår.
jag önskar så innerligt att jag fortfarande var blond så jag kunde färga mina toppar rosa.
men det blir nog lila för mig..
i felt that blog needed some more colourful hair.
i really wish that i still was blond so that i could dye the tips of my hair pink.
i'll probably choose purple though.
jag dör så snyggt.
Can I make it better with the lights turned on?
these are the kind of images i look at when i want to be somewhere else.
Let's dye our lips bright.
Lite balla läppar såhär på kvällskvisten.
Så länge sen.
Jag har sommar i mina ådror.
I've got summer in my veins.
Elle Fanning
Elle Fanning är rättså otroligt vacker.
och endast 12 år om jag förstått det rätt. wow.
Elle Fanning is pretty amazingly beautiful.
and only 12 years if I've got it right. wow.
Satan i Gatan.
l.ä.n.g.t.a.r tills jag ska färga min toppar.
Rött, blått, lila, vitt eller svart? Vad är snyggast?
köpte Veronica Maggio's skiva när jag hälsade på i Sverige över helgen.
Fy fasen vad bra!
c.a.n.t w.a.i.t tills I'm going to dye the tips of my hair.
Red, blie, purple, white or black? What is the hottest?
Bought Veronica Maggio's CD when I was visiting in Sweden over the weekend.
Holy shit it's good!
(Tack Oda! Bara så du vet så skulle jag döda för ditt hår!!)
It's those small wonders which makes us say OH.
stenar, silver, kristaller, drömfångare, fjädrar & kors.
åh gud snälla ge mig endast ett av dessa fantastiska små underverk.
hej alla nya, kul att hamna på blogg.se's framsida!
stones, silver, crystals, dreamcatchers, feathers & crosses.
oh god please just give me one of these small wonders.
hey all new people, fun to appear on blogg.se's site!
Space Exploration
Anyone else up for building a space ship?
Feeling inspired yet?
Ten Fragile Bones.
Ten bones is all it took, to release her from the crooked hook.
" Your love is stag in the white sand
Wilderness for miles, eyes so mild and wise
Don't I know you better than the rest
All deception, all deception from you "
Wilderness for miles, eyes so mild and wise
Don't I know you better than the rest
All deception, all deception from you "
" Maybe that’s what it all comes down to. Love, not as a surge of passion, but as a choice to commit to something, someone, no matter what obstacles or temptations stand in the way. And maybe making that choice, again and again, day in and day out, year after year, says more about love than never having a choice to make at all… Love is the sum of our choices, the strength of our commitments, the ties that bind us together. "