Waiting for everyone around to agree might take to long.
godmorgon läsare.
You're a poop sniffing dog.
I know where you went but I don't know how you got there.
dresses & skirts. b/w & colour.
My baby told me to pile it all up and so i flipped him off.
Hej, det var ett tag sen.
men nu är jag tillbaks med fler många inlägg
och svar på era frågor.
Hi, long time no see.
but now i'm back with more posts
and answers to your questions.
Children loves Ekströms.
I'm super happy cause I found 6 pairs of
different epic kinds of pants that I'm
now going to cut into shorts.
We can see it in each others eyes.
jag vet att min blogg har blivit lite opersonlig på
sistonde, jag skyller det på att jag har
haft mycket att göra. Flytt lasset
kommer ju snart.
I know that my blog's been not very personal
lately and I blame that on me having to
much to do. The moving trailer
is coming soon you know.
It's all right during the mad night.
Black and Red.
They come to me for colour.
The summer brings romance to town.